Thursday, May 14, 2020

Jane Austen Critical Analysis - 1220 Words

There is a difference between a good book that simply entertains the reader, and a good book that impacts the reader. What an author chooses to focus on in their writing can be the factor that outlines the difference between the two. An author’s style outlines the differences that set them apart from other authors. Writing style is also what defines the author and characterizes their writing. Style often remains unchanged and reflects a writer’s beliefs which are often displayed through their work’s content or theme. In the case of Jane Austen, an eighteenth-nineteenth century novelist, writing style and theme are two things she is most admired and remembered for. Austen’s main themes encompass her views of the roles and values of women,†¦show more content†¦As writing did tend to be a male dominated field, a woman author, in this instance Austen, had limited options, not of what she could write but in exactly how she chose to express her opinions or ideas in her writing if she wanted to avoid controversy. â€Å"Austen continued to negotiate the perils of appearing to be too independent or critical of her patriarchal culture while still asserting her own voice within the novels themselves. On the level of plot, Austen subverted her somewhat progressive themes by working within a well-known framework. She inherited the form of the traditional marriage plot, where a heroine’s ultimate goal was to marry the ideal man and live happily ever after, from previous romance novelists† (Eberle, 3). The view of society was that even in an instance where a woman was fully capable of taking care of herself, she would always have vulnerabilities where as a man was viewed to have few to none. In Austen’s day and age men were most often considered to be superior to women socially, economically and intellectually. Pride and prejudice had much evidence of these inequalities. Men were the only ones entitled to inherit prop erty as demonstrated in the Bennet’s main dilemma with Mr. Collins being the designated inheritor of the Bennet estate over the Bennet daughters. In Darcy and Elizabeth’sShow MoreRelated A Character Analysis of Elizabeth Bennet Essay examples1591 Words   |  7 PagesA Character Analysis of Elizabeth Bennet Throughout Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice , there are many references to the unusual character of Elizabeth Bennet ; she is seen to be an atypical female during those times. 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